3 Digit Addition With Regrouping. SWBAT add three-digit numbers that require regrouping. To solve an addition problem, regrouping ones, model the addends using base-ten blocks.
Encourage students to write on the printed worksheets and remember to "carry the one". Add and regroup chickens and ants with Marcos and his little brother, Jose, on their farm. SWBAT add three-digit numbers that require regrouping.
Students identify, use, and share strategies for adding three-digit numbers that require regrouping.
Fun Regrouping in Addition Games from Computer Mice is the perfect solution.
You will need: A pencil A piece of scratch paper After using your paper to write out the problem, click on the correct Click here to begin. The three-digit addition and regrouping resources include everything from efficient online exercise to thorough lesson plans. Sum of all three four digit numbers formed with non zero digits.