Grade Book Pages. In some gradebooks, there is a column which describe percentage of total marks. I made a printable grade book file to use to help make my life easier when entering grades into the computer.
Hinton, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Co. Any defects should be noted by the seller. I got very frustrated with not being able to find a Grade Book that fit my needs and that had enough pages.
Then, check the spine for small tears or folds, or spine break, which is a tear near the staples.
In the Names worksheet as well as the Gradebook worksheets, when inserting or removing students, you should insert or remove the entire row (right-click on the row number to bring up options).
Student gradebook template in PDF format. This is a template that you can use for your Grade Book. Good (G): Describes the average used worn book that has all pages or leaves present.